Tuesday, August 02, 2011

National Dance Day - July 30 2011 - Saratoga Springs

Even though I haven't posted in a while doesn't mean that I've been sitting around twiddling my thumbs with nothing to do. Life has been quite busy and I'm fully engaged in exploring the next thing around the corner.

A friend of mine mentioned an old photo that I had taken back around 2004-2005 and I was on a mission to find it through photo archives...

I found some old photos from when my daughter and I went to an Eskimo Dance Practice in Wasilla, Alaska.... Granted, way back when my photo skills were... eh hem... lacking. I didn't care... I loved photography and was capturing amazing moments that would never happen again.
I uploaded some of those photos online and started looking around for something to do... You know me, go - do - see. I found out that it was National Dance Day. And best of all, the National Dance Museum & Hall of Fame in Saratoga was hosting a celebration by opening up and getting people in there to try many different dance styles!

I grabbed my gear and went straight off to it! PHOTOS of dancing, smiling faces, and contagious laughter. How could I resist being surrounded by the arts, science, education and entertainment all in one package!

From classic dance moves from on Broadway, to beats from the East with belly dancing, smooth swaying moves from Greek aisles, Swing, Hip Hop, intense cardio workout moves, the Salsa and more.... There were many instructors demonstrating different dance styles and the crowd of visitors eagerly joined in and tried a little bit of every move!

By the way... I tried dancing a little with camera in hand, then slung over my shoulder..... nah, didn't happen.

Here are some photos of the day... hope you enjoy!

At the end of the event the beautiful Leslie Valencia started a Congo line in front of the museum!

(I can still hear the trills rolling off of the tongues of the dancers and instructors... mixed in with beats of Congo music) Ba - bah bah baaaaah!

Until later... get out... move something!

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