Here is a lovely lady I met... Kathy, has a amazingly joyful persona... I asked her for a photo... and she said sure!
Monday, June 21, 2010
A new friend
r'Chichi's Dragons

of SUNY Adirondack and was in some of my classes... and I like staying in contact with classmates. Anywhoooo, he has some bearded dragons that laid eggs... and other lizards... He also has people coming in and out of his place to see these dragons and eggs... and I happened to be one who 'had to go see!"
I bring you photos of beardie dragons...
He has this other lizard too... it's a juvenile... when it gets older it should be somewhere around Joe's height... he plans to walk it on a leash outdoors... wooot! I wanna see that remarkable feat, haha!!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Recent photos and the places I've been
One day on the way home from work I noticed that there was a new sign going up for a new group in a small town....

Well, my first semester as an adult returning to school... a graphics project was just that... a mock up magazine cover of artists and artisians who passed down their knowledge to future generations so that the ways of the people weren't lost. (inside thoughts: I'm Cajun... who honors and respects passing down the original tongue and ways of our peoples...
then I lived in Alaska and realize how important it is for all people, including Alaska Native Eskimos and Indians to pass their original ways to future generations)...
So, if anyone wonders why I've taken to heart and follow some things... not only am I sentemental... but I find value in passing down cultural traditions.
(Nuff said: in my best lil ole Cajun accent)
I was asked many times over after relocating to the Adirondacks... "are you a local?" ... well, no.... but I'm someone who respects and honors life, the people, cultures of earth, landscape and the human condition that desires to be recognized for being part of who we are culturally... including non-locals who just are happy to be alive.
The photos are from the Adirondack Folk School, located in upstate, NY.