Friday, June 19, 2009

Continuous lighting

I've decided to work more with continuous lighting. I'll blog more about that later...
here is a photo for the day... digitally altered, no doubt, because flowers just don't have a natural aura that the human eye can see. I wanted to alter the image to show what it feels like when I see flowers after a rain with water droplets still on them...

Monday, June 15, 2009

Black & White photos - yes! I'm a fan!

Can anyone say black and white photography... !!!

I am a fan of photos that are done in black and white... now day's traditional b&w photo processing is becoming a part of history and barely practiced since the new digital age has arrived.

Thankfully I've taken courses and learned how to process my own black and white film and how to make my own prints in a liquid darkroom... using enlargers, film grain magnifiers, speed easles, contrast filters, the whole nine! Where photoshop really started - the photo darkroom.

I love it... it is an art form (I think) to know how to process a print by dodging, burning, finding the right f/stop and exposure time... it's a science... it's brilliant... it's amazing to me!!! I also enjoy helping others learn how to process their own film, and how to make prints... I'm grateful for my teachers and the school that has allowed me to have gained this amazing skill, which is a part of my passion.... capturing and sharing photos.

I don't have my own darkroom... but at times I will simply turn a digital photo into b&w... or sepia via dutone...
Here is one of my digital b&white photos

Here is a link to some photos shared by Associated Press that are in Black and White format... I don't know if they are digital though...

I LOVE THEM!!!! AP, thanks for sharing them!!!

(copy and paste link below. Click'able link above);_ylt=AoqCE4xtBzYiXUwuHccq2VWs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTE0dDhybXA1BHBvcwM1BHNlYwN5bl92aWRlb3MEc2xrA3dhc2hpbmd0b25waA--?ch=4226713&cl=13982099&lang=en

Peace, health and happiness to all!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Passe Partout

You know what I miss... hearing French speaking news casts and music.. as a child I would watch Passe Partout with Jim Olivier and Maria Placier

.... then on radio I would listen to KSLO in Opelousas... later I found KBON in Eunice online.... memory lane.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Nest building

Look at this little one... he/she gathered stuffing from the arm of a lawn-chair... of course the cats made it easy for the stuffing to be plucked by them scratching it all up...

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Updating prescriptions

Yeah, not too much of a change but the muscles in my eyes are doing what sometimes happens around the age of 40.... not responding quick enough... so I needed something to help in looking in a viewfinder then quickly back up at subject matter...

bifocals are the result...

Upstate Bikers

I met this nice couple and asked them if I could take their photo... after taking their photo I headed to the car, looked back before getting ready to take off and noticed they had a camera out ready to take a photo with their point and shoot... my traveling partner suggested that I go back and get their contact info... (I forget to do that sometimes... eeeesh)... so I jumped back out and gestured with my hands and then asked if they wanted me to assist in helping them take a photo... the man said sure...

I asked if I could blog and add them to it and again they agreed... it's nice meeting people... it was a great spot with an amazing natural backdrop for a portrait... so why not!!!!

Here is Bob and Marie... people up a little further north enjoying Americade events.

Thanks much!

* please note that all photos I put online will be low resolution and does not hold a high print format quality... so if you print and they are pixelated... they are web versions.

Larac Arts Festival this weekend

Sat. & Sun. JUNE 13 & 14, 10 am to 5 pm each day
Glens Falls City Park ~~ Free
Food/Music on the Bandstand/Children's Activities

Summer is here and we're supposed to have good weather to get out and make memories!!!

Maybe I'll see you around this weekend.

Peace, health and happiness!

Monday, June 08, 2009

Festival foods

I happened to notice some guys in a truck getting ready to set up their vending booth at Americade in Lake George.... I stopped and talked with them a little bit and asked if I could photo their setting up process and Mr. Brown said sure. So I quickly found a parking spot and walked on over to try to find them. Thankfully I didn't have to go very far since they happened to set up near the entry point that I walked into.

After talking with these guys a little bit I discovered that Mr. Brown and his wife (wife not in photos, she was training for a new job elsewhere) travel to various festival like activities in and around upstate NY and sell "Cajun" foods. He also gives teaching classes for some dishes... neither of them are Cajuns but the food taste good and they are some really nice folks! Mr. Brown comes from a family of Portuguese descent and like he said... "much of the foods are similar with Cajun foods".

So if you happen to be in the area and see his Cajun Catering booth... try some!

I had to go to work and didn't have much time so he fixed me a breakfast sandwich with egg, sasuage and sweet sesame roll and cheese... mmmm mmmm mmmmm. Boy I tell ya, it was good!

He has a site set up with a schedule of where you can find them at upcoming events along with information about private classes to learn how to cook Cajun and Portuguese foods!

Here is a link to his site Chef Kevin Brown

Friday, June 05, 2009

Spring 2009

Spring is here, I've completed another semester and will continue in the Fall working on a second associates degree. When all is done I'll have two degrees, an AAS in Communication and Media Arts and an AAS in Radio and Television Broadcasting.

I do work at a seasonal job and that job is finished for the spring and we won't have work again until September... so I'm looking for a flexible full time for now that could be a flexible part time job later, because I'll be a full time student again in the fall.

What's great is living in an area near multiple colleges who are accustomed to hiring part time college students.... the unfortunate thing now is the slow economy and high rate of unemployment that has hit 9.4% this past May and seems to be at a steady pace of lack of jobs which means companies are closing, lay offs, etc.

Good thing are the field(s) I love working in.... photography, video and voice.

I've taken photos of people in passing and asked their permission to blog and post their photos, they agreed so that's what I'll start doing... blogging about the nice people I've met ... life is good, it's amazing and I'm fully engaged in enjoying all it has to offer!
BTW, here is a still setting that I took in the art department at school... a setting that students draw or paint.... I love the colors and the way the light plays through it all.


Peace to you all...