Wednesday, February 08, 2012

so... kinda been busy - not a bad thing

Yep, kinda been real busy as of late.... totally, so not a bad thing.
I have this good job, entered with the understanding that I was hired for a specific reason... have been moved into a (that) reason/position within the first 3 months. Not bad. I really like the company and respect the type of business it is.

I get to run a full fledge photo lab, help in camera, audio and electronic sales and assist customers with light tech issues... Yeah, I get to help newbies grasp a better understanding of their new cameras or provide customer service in gearing up pros with more equipment.

Pretty awesome watching people enjoy their new tool or toy.
Pretty awesome helping other pro's gear up, process (print) photos so they can deliver to their clients.

I tell ya, life is good.

Peace.... and smile.
