Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Piggin Project Failures - what happened to old methods?

What needs to be found is who ran the “piggin project” and didn’t report weakness in the line! I won’t say what that means but they know what methods that are used to test the pipe stability.

Who failed to stay on task? Who else worked with that staff and failed to report it also unless it was a method for “spill response” team to get overtime. ***I need a new snow machine or want a new big boy toy so let’s disrupt some line subtly so that a “spill response team” can clean it up and work overtime for those big boy toys.***

Prevent clean ups by ridding of the human element that causes Discordia. Be selective in screening in who is in charge of reading the test results and who conducts the tests on such major projects. Some silent method to trigger if a human fails to report anything like such things.

Back up and watch all data in multiple layers as a fail proof system to multi-level checks and balances.



Major Alaskan oil field shutting down

By MARY PEMBERTON, Associated Press Writer 14 minutes ago
ANCHORAGE, Alaska - In a sudden blow to the nation's oil supply, half the production on Alaska's North Slope was being shut down Sunday after BP Exploration Alaska, Inc. discovered severe corrosion in a Prudhoe Bay oil transit line.

M. Cheri Bordelon
80606 mcb 7:59pm

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