Saturday, September 03, 2011

Learning More Software

Here I go again - learning... wait, I mean conquer new software programs. I'm not really into gaming consoles, online gaming, etc. I'm more of a techno geek.

Not so new software that I'm revisiting since graduating and needing to learn it as a great business tool.  Adobe Contribute.

This new blog made entirely by using Contribute.

Later I will add photo tips and how-to's. I never considered doing so before and have decided to add some, upon request. Within the last week I've had 3 requests on how to take specific photos that do require a little guidance and also I've had friends from afar that had camera questions.

It's late, I've got two new web sites to build and upcoming photo shoots and on site tutoring. Things are working out well with this soft launch of notifying people that I can and am working toward that type of career. All things digital- graphics, prepress, photography, videography, audio/video editing, web sites, and a little SEO work.




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