Can anyone say black and white photography... !!!
I am a fan of photos that are done in black and white... now day's traditional b&w photo processing is becoming a part of history and barely practiced since the new digital age has arrived.
Thankfully I've taken courses and learned how to process my own black and white film and how to make my own prints in a liquid darkroom... using enlargers, film grain magnifiers, speed easles, contrast filters, the whole nine! Where photoshop really started - the photo darkroom.
I love it... it is an art form (I think) to know how to process a print by dodging, burning, finding the right f/stop and exposure time... it's a science... it's brilliant... it's amazing to me!!! I also enjoy helping others learn how to process their own film, and how to make prints... I'm grateful for my teachers and the school that has allowed me to have gained this amazing skill, which is a part of my passion.... capturing and sharing photos.
I don't have my own darkroom... but at times I will simply turn a digital photo into b&w... or sepia via dutone...
Here is one of my digital b&white photos

Here is
a link to some photos shared by Associated Press that are in Black and White format... I don't know if they are digital though...
I LOVE THEM!!!! AP, thanks for sharing them!!!
(copy and paste link below. Click'able link above);_ylt=AoqCE4xtBzYiXUwuHccq2VWs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTE0dDhybXA1BHBvcwM1BHNlYwN5bl92aWRlb3MEc2xrA3dhc2hpbmd0b25waA--?ch=4226713&cl=13982099&lang=en
Peace, health and happiness to all!